Saturday, February 8, 2014

Intention - Demonology and Heavy Metal

This song Intention 2 was written and performed by Jeff Bobbin of heavy progressive metal djent band THE CONDUIT in Orlando, Florida. Download the full technical EP at the link provided:


Under arches of stars adhered 
To the lanterns of seekers beneath us 
Remain grounded to the soils of gold 
The ethereal coils that link leaders to weakness. 

Take off the chains, 
Become unrestrained 
By the modernized criteria. 

In his light we see no scars, 
Only elements of who we are 
That define purpose bestowed, 
The light that follows, 
And the souls we own. 

Fearing no obstruction, 
Emotionally forthright, 
Direly expansive, 
And vivaciously inclined. 

Did you ever feel the heart exist here 
In scripted discourse, 
Tearing through the skin revealing vortexes 
That keep our past lives hidden from us? 

Intend, you'd never. 
You’d never intend on soliloquized syntax.

Additional Information:
This song just follows the same Lucifarian philosophies and helps to describe some mistakes I think we make on a daily basis. I understand the the stars above tell stories of the gods beneath us. They are aligned and adhered to the anatomy of demons who hold metaphorical lanterns seeking knowledge and enlightenment. If you want to remain grounded and conform to their most natural intentions you should consider ingesting mono-atomic or colloidal gold. 
Mono-atomic gold or "colloidal" gold is a substance found on the top soils surrounding active volcanos, or in the sea's that surround some volcanos. It is said that ancient hierarchies used to ingest this gold in sho-bread. The ancients would mix the white powder gold with flour to make the bread for their leaders. I don't care if you believe this or not but I ingest this every day and believe it helps me to have a more expansive and aggressive mindset. I literally feel that their is a force constantly prying open my third eye. This is a physical and almost euphoric feeling that i get proceeding mono-atomic gold consumption. Mono-atomic gold is referred to an ethereal coil linking leaders (demons) to weakness (mankind)
Take off the chains. Pretty obvious metaphor. Become unrestrained by modern criteria and the expectations of others. This is brutal, but self explanatory. I am just trying to keep it heavy and progressive. DJENT, its the greatest. I love that heavy metal is such a conducive genre for aggressive self expression. This genre is something I see as a vehicle for expressing personal philosophies in a more abstract and technical way.
As a christian I would imagine it being hard to see yourself as something pure, because I am sure we all have sinned in terms of the Christian commandments and moral guidelines. I personally think morality is embedded in our inherent nature. Morality is genetically encoded. There is an innate understanding we all can identify, that it is beneficial to keep members of your community alive and in good health because every one has a specialty that profoundly contributes to the whole. Lucifer has helped many famous artist to recognize this. In his light we see no scars, only elements of who we are. Our flaws craft our identity in a beautiful way. The scars define our purpose almost. With scars we recognize and distinguish ourselves, our ego, and the role we must fulfill in society. Once this is understood, Lucifers light will follow each of us in our journey, and will recruit new satanic candidates who begin to follow us.
In this army we can fear no obstructions. Nothing will be in our way. We are emotionally forthright and express how we feel. We will not succumb to authority, render ourselves docile, or suppress our emotional nature. We are direly expansive. To live is to expand and conquer. We are animated and embrace our identity. Vivaciously inclined indeed.
Something about me: I love MMA. I love the art form of fighting and to me it seems as if all great martial artists unknowingly live by these fundamental satanic principles. This is why I continue to practice and embrace physical combat. 
We should be ourselves. Why does it so often seem as if so many life scenarios are scripted? Boy takes girl out, alludes to romantic comedy boyfriend role he sees in the movies, rewarded with pussy maybe. 
I always try to take the most unconventional approach while retaining discipline and persistence. If I see a girl I like, I never shy away and think of some witty punchline to say thats guaranteed to win her over. I understand that she is a person and I can react on our mutual interest. The best punchline that works for me 99% of the time is "hi how are you?" then just proceed by asking thing you genuinely want to understand about her. Does she have common interest? Are her parents cool? Does she like art?  Where is the coolest place she has been? This seems so simple! But it is unconventional because its unlike every other retard guy that just come up and ogles her and has one stupid witty comment  to provide her with. Thats why I ask, have you ever felt that your heart exists here, in scripted discourse? It tears your apart until the vortexes inside of you become revealed, and you understand how chakras should be aligned within you. You understand how your chemical and spiritual make up should change  and become unscripted and unpredictable. Within these vortexes we call chakras, a past life is hidden from us that we can learn to contrast with. 
I get sad watching aspects of society living in a script, alluding personalities to a television lifestyle, and creating egotistical friction within the common good. I understand that some people are incapable of communicating a practical emotional understanding. They would never intend on expressing discovery through art work. They would never intend on soliloquized syntax.

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