Saturday, February 8, 2014

Heavy Metal Band THE CONDUIT Releases Speed Djent Song GROVEL

This song Grovel was written and performed by Jeff Bobbin of heavy progressive metal djent band THE CONDUIT in Orlando, Florida. Download the full technical EP at the link provided:


You act as if you're 
the one true escapist 
from being nothing more than 
a host of self hatred. 

I aint no god, 
but I will tear this fucking world apart. 

the fallacy that we have locked inside, 
the void in which we have both place our lives, 
within complacent facades that we remain hidden behind. 

We are the fabric of war and what keeps her alive. 
Embrace each facet of greed genuflecting to the rise of daemons, 
that extort prophetic, sequential, timelines... 
Fate is revised until we evolve into martyrs of mass suicide. 

You seek parameters of what we could be 
but I'm ruthless and blood thirsty. 

All reactions in ruin, 
dissociating epitomes of mercy, 
adorning their skin with ammunition, 
watching the gun fire spray, 
wearing the blood as a hubris, 
I will never be contained. 

Our chemistry is conveyed inside ancient hieroglyphs, 
discerning the meek and the forces they must reckon with... 


Additional Information: 

I thought the world needed djent metal written at a faster tempo so here is my contribution. The lyrics are all pretty self explanatory and there is not much underlying meaning. I did a pretty good job at making sense of everything without being too vague. what I was vague about was the fact that in many instances I was referring to Lucifers return to claim the throne for the age of Aquarius. I want to emphasize on the qualities that The Conduit have that many progressive metal band don't and that is the unique and merciless attitude. I respect other metal bands for the identity that they have, but I wanted to achieve something that sets me apart and I feel as if this song helped. 
I gave this song a quartet intro using East West Quantum Leap Symphony Orchestra software. It features a violin, two cellos, and a harp. This is another dimension to the multifaceted musical skill I possess and desire to exhibit to the public.
I think another thing that is great about the identity of The Conduit is that it is all written and performed by one person. Thats right, I am a one man band. I worked extremely hard on this project and it all paid off because the listeners can tell that the emotional chemistry assimilated in the music is pure, and I know this will translate even if I never tell anyone that all of this was composed by one person in his garage.
I am really glad that this song has been finalized and brought to the ears of the public because who knows, my computer could crash tomorrow and all of my music could vanish. This world needs a lot more progressive metal, speed djent, and technical music in general. People get tired of repeats and songs with no complexity. Society is growing and their emotional make up and intellectuality is growing with it. The only thing that can satisfy the public in the near future will be technical metal music. 
Its funny that I see my friends still pacified with hip hop music but I understand that they do not listen to embrace the musicality, they listen to embrace the trend, theatric, and culture. These premises are slowly becoming obsolete because our culture and trends are starting to blend and vanish. I am glad because although I embrace hip hop most of the time, I still believe that it is over played and over rated. 
Jazz music stays on top because its easy for the public to grasp and the musicians can still excel in their proficiency without loosing listeners. I don't feel as if jazz will go away any time too soon.
Indie rock is the same as hip hop. Seldom stimulating but trendy among 20 year olds. I can not wait until this decade is over.
Classical music is the shit.
Country music is positive and great for drinking too. I think it could get a little more technical though.
Folk needs to start evolving and getting more technical. I hear some contemporary folk and go crazy that they have a beat where its just kick drum on the one of a phrase through the whole song. 
If you think Im wrong please help to temper my judgement by sending some new music thats actually evolving from a genre different than metal or jazz. 

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