Monday, June 24, 2013

Intention by THE CONDUIT


These sirens are restless.
I never let go.
Compromise instinct,
Aggression meant everything to sensory acclimation.

Prepossessing and frail,
This luminous conduit of fear and resistance.
Each heartbeat brings lesion
To bodies of omniscient demonic existence.

Under arches of stars adhered
To the lanterns of seekers beneath us
Remain grounded to the soils of gold
The ethereal coils that link leaders to weakness.

Take off the chains,
Become unrestrained
By the modernized criteria.

In his light we see no scars,
Only elements of who we are
That define purpose bestowed,
The light that follows,
And the souls we own.

Fearing no obstruction,
Emotionally forthright,
Direly expansive,
And vivaciously inclined.

Did you ever feel the heart exist here
In scripted discourse,
Tearing through the skin revealing vortexes
That keep our past lives hidden from us?

Intend, you'd never.
You’d never intend on soliloquized syntax.

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