Saturday, May 25, 2013


I am recording a new song today and since I have been tracking, this question has come to mind "why do I keep writing these songs?" I believe that the answer to my question is love. It is the love for my people and life itself that pushes me. Love is expansive and it motivates one to share as much beauty and light with the world possible. We are a people in debt and we live in a world where respect is no longer earned, it is owed. I owe this world that I love and respect an invention that I must slave to create everyday of my life. I have not accomplished my contribution yet, but I wrote this song through a healing process in which I transformed my negative feelings into appreciation and gratitude. Maybe it can help to remind us that we need to move forward together and understand the values of habitually embracing the people around you. I don't have the skill set to give the world an invention like the Ipad, penicillin, or a space shuttle but this song is a prelude to the work I will do in the future that will one day help someone. The desire to contribute to the world is within everyone of us, and please don't ever let resistance, fear, or hatred disguise this inherent nature. CLICK HERE TO HEAR INTENTION

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